This is our favorite subject topic: you and your kitchen. Have you ever wondered what is the true difference between an Instagram post and reality? The kitchen you just put your heart into looks stunning but can you really cook there? Is it easy to clean? What if you have pets and that delicate decor goes to pieces? We did our research to really listen in to voice of the people. It actually goes quite well with a survey done by Houzz so let’s take a look.
Your Main Focus for Renovation

If there’s a will, there’s a way! A fully remodeled kitchen is most certainly a project worth the time, money, and effort. A total percentage of 37% wanted to renovate their kitchen in 2020. Even with Covid-19, kitchen investments are in full swing.
Feature Upgrades During Kitchen Renovation

If you hate your countertop, you are not the only one. We can only guess: is it the color or the overall shape. With a variety of choices, from laminate to marble and quartz, a fresh look is guaranteed. On the other hand, we are happy to know that electronic installations are working just fine in most homes.
Cabinet Upgrades During Kitchen Renovation

If you are updating your kitchen, we agree that replacing your kitchen cabinets is the best way to go. It’s an investment but once you do it, you can enjoy them for the long term. Based on our research, people want their kitchen to last a long time. We have a better option: how about a lifetime? Check out this lifetime warranty deal for more information.
Top Activities in the Kitchen following Renovation

Every kitchen has its own chef and we are happy to know that you enjoy cooking and baking in your brand new kitchen. Entertaining and socializing in the kitchen is still an all-time favorite American activity. And if your new kitchen inspires you to eat better, you get your money’s worth in more ways than one.
TTop Cabinetry Colors

We are not surprised that a white kitchen is everyone’s favorite. It makes the space so much bigger and it reflects the light in a way that makes you feel good. A white kitchen will forever be a classic. If you want to know more about white kitchen options, check out this RTA shaker collection.
TStorage Configurations in Upgraded Islands

Looks like the perfect kitchen is the one where you can hide away your clutter. Unless, of course, you are a naturally neat and well-organized person – in which case, good for you! The majority of people picked cabinets with doors and we are not surprised. Open shelves look great and will give that little extra something to your kitchen but what about people who have pets? The fur? The mess? We hear you and we understand it’s not for everyone.
Cabinet Styles

Shaker cabinets take the crown when it comes to style with 61% in comparison to other styles. An all-time classic never gets old and we can’t help but agree. With lines that match many kitchen styles, you can always count on your Shaker cabinet to adapt to whatever you want it to be. Shaker cabinets look great and last a long time! Find a great deal with a Ready to Assemble collection for a much lower price in comparison with custom cabinets.
The Winner Takes All
It’s always interesting to have a reality check on many topics and kitchen renovation is one of them. A large open space kitchen is a dream for many because no one can deny the social aspect of it – you want all your friends and family to fit in. Besides the look and feel of it, functionality plays a big role.
A white Shaker cabinet kitchen with a brand new countertop and enough storage space is the winner of the survey. But you’re really the one who gets the crown for making beautiful choices and we hope you will enjoy your kitchen for many, many years ahead.